The sudden and untimely demise of Shri. Madhavrao Scindia left the entire country shocked and grieving. This tragic and irreparable loss created a void that would be impossible to fill for generations to come.
The dashing and youthful "Maharaj" a scion of the royal family of Gwalior was a man who stood apart from the rest. His suave, articulate, lively personality and youthful face will be remembered by all Indians and Scindians in particular whoses lives he touched both as a fellow student and Chairman - Board of Governors.
He was the leading light of the present generation. With his abiding interest and unbeatable grip he had undoubtedly gained a distinct edge over others in public his profile.He was a dynamic young leader with visionary zeal and enthusiasm. He was a deft individual who provided the much needed burst of modernization to the Scindia School and SOBA. He crafted a new dynamism in all that he undertook to do. He was a frontline leader of our country. He was a peoples man in every sense and devoted his life for their welfare and upliftment. He was a media- savvy leader, a lover of sports, art and culture with an elite educational background. His candor and sense of humor was incomparable.
He will always be remembered as dedicated and charismatic individual who was linked to one and all. Shri Madhavrao Scindia was a combination of all the virtues which are rare in one man. The country has forever lost an affable and a sagacious man of the masses.
He will be missed. May his soul rest in peace.